How do I post an ad?
You can post a free classified at any time by simply clicking the “Create Classified” link at the top of any page. This will guide you through our simple posting process where you will be able to select a category and location for your ad, provide a title and a description, upload up to 5 pictures.
How do I edit my classified?
You can edit your classified by logging in to your Manage Account and going to the My Classifieds section. From there, select which classified you want to change and click “Edit”. Similar to the classified posting process, the editing page will allow you to change anything on your ad including the category, location, title, description, and your photos. When you are done making changes to your ad, click the “Update” button at the bottom of the page to save your changes.
How do I renew my classified?
Log in to your Manage Account and go to My Classifieds page, click on “Renew Ad” next to the classified your want to renew, make changes as your wish and then click on submit. Please note: expire classified will delete after 120 days
How do I delete my classified?
You can delete your classified by logging in to your Manage Account and going to the My Classifieds Section. From there, select which classified you want to remove and click “Delete”. Please be aware that once you delete an ad the action cannot be undone.
I have not received any replies to my classified, am I doing something wrong?
If you have not received any replies to your classified it does not mean you did something wrong. It is not unusual for it to take some time before someone responds to your classified. We do recommend checking your junk/spam mail folder to make sure messages are not being sent there.
How do I add or remove pictures?
You can add or remove pictures by logging in to your Manage Account and going to the My Classifieds section. From there, select the classified you want to change and click “Edit”. Scroll down to the photo gallery field where you can manage the pictures for your classified. Click the “Browse File” button to browse your computer for pictures to upload. Each ad can have up to 3 pictures. Click the “Edit Icon” to edit the image. And if you need to delete a picture click the “Trashcan Icon”. When you are done making changes to your ad, click the “Update” button at the bottom of the page to save your changes.
When will my classified expire?
Free classified will run for 30 days – Feature classified run for 30 days
When will my classified be listed?.
Your classified will be put in moderation until admin approves it
Is it free to post classified?
Yes. is free. You can post classified, browse ads, and respond to classified all for free.. You are welcome to post an classified for free at any time.
Feature classified are available for a fee
What are Feature classified?
To help your listing stand out, we offer a way to “feature” listings here . For a small fee,
you can feature your listing to receive a few perks that generally help with your listing being sold more quickly:
- Moves your listing to the towards the top of the list to assist with visibility
- Highlight your listing to help draw more attention to it
Do I need an account?
No, You can Create One here
I have not received my confirmation email or I no longer have it. How do I make changes to my ad or account?
If you have not received your confirmation email yet, we recommend checking your junk/spam mail folder. If you do not receive the email or have deleted it, we recommend that you go to the login page and click on Forgot Password, then enter your email address. Once you have your password for your account, you can log in any time to change password, post, edit or delete your classified.
How do I report scams or bad classified?
To report a scam or an classified you feel may be fraudulent and you have been contacted by a scammer, click the “Report Content” link on the classified page. This will send notification to our Support Staff to investigate the ad further. Please make sure to include details about the scammer such as email address, phone number.
How do I stay safe using
We encourage our users to only deal with people that are local and that you can meet in person. Never wire funds and never give out personal information (i.e. social security number, bank account number). For more tips please see our Avoid Scams and Fraud page.
I am having trouble uploading my pictures, am I doing something wrong?
If your images are very large, they may take extra time to upload, especially if your internet connection is a bit slower than others. We recommend that you try making your images smaller by using photo editing software on your computer. You can also try adjusting the settings on your camera so that pictures are saved at a more reasonable size, like 1024×768.
Can I change my contact Information? (i.e. email address, password, delete account)
Yes. Log in to your Manage Account, then click the section you want to change.
How do I respond to an classified?
To respond to an classified, simply fill out the “Send an Message” section including the “Your Name” field, “Your email” field, and the “Message” field. When you are done creating your message simply click the “Send Message” button. Our system will send the message to the author of the classified.
How do I receive messages?
If someone responds to your classified by filling out the “Send Message” section, our system will relay the message to your email address or your inbox. You can then reply directly to the person who sent you the inquiry. You may want to check your junk/spam mail folder to make sure messages are not being sent there by accident.
How do I place a sponsored ad?
We do not currently offer special placement for ads on our listings page or sponsored ads opportunities to our users at this time.
For any other question Contact Us Here